Scouting and Hunting Your Food Plots
Jason talks with Mark Olis from Moultrie on the best strategy on scouting and hunting your food plots as well as the use of cellular trail cameras.
Jason talks with Mark Olis from Moultrie on the best strategy on scouting and hunting your food plots as well as the use of cellular trail cameras.
Jason talks with Jason Lupardus, a wildlife biologist all about different habitat improvement methods, including hinge cutting, hack and squirt and prescribed burns.
Jason and Brandon talk about helping guys determine what they should plant this fall and Jason discusses his strategy and plans for his personal food plots.
This is a 2-part episode. In part #1 we talk with Dr. Carroll Johnson all about getting control of smart weeds in your food plots. In the second part, Jason tells the story of his big buck this year and how his food plot strategy made it happen.
Generally speaking, most properties under 200 acres aren’t going to hold big mature whitetail every year, but we go over everything you need to do to tip the scales in your favor.
Jason talks with Dr. Carroll Johnson about some very common difficult weed problems and how to get rid of them.
So you’ve frost seeded or planted a new spring food plot, but your work isn’t done. Control those weeds and get the maximum life out of those perennials. We discuss in depth how we use a combination of herbicides and mowing to control those weeds.
Jason takes you on a video tour of over 500 acres and 14 food plots. We discuss how to pick the best food plot location, stand placement, what to plant, the mistakes we’ve made
See Jason taking care of those spring food plots and some amazing before and afters. With the proper care, these plots can last 5 to 6 years!
Spraying and mowing your food plots to control weeds and grasses.
Jason shows how he uses herbicides and mowing to keep his perennial plots healthy.